Multi user system can store 2000 employees on one time and attendance clock
Council bosses have backed proposals to build a prestige site on the old Webbs chicken factory site in Lymington. Chairman of the Lymington Society Clive Sutton said it was an imaginative scheme designed by a nationally known architect who was familiar with the town. The plans include 168 homes, a restaurant and a riverside walk but they have run up against objectors. They include Lymington Town Council and Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, who are concerned about conservation issues.
If your firm is building a new development it is time to consider Time and Attendance Southern’s WinTA Enterprise clocking system intended for larger companies. WinTA Enterprise can store up to 2000 employees on a single Time & Attendance clock, to which extra scanners may be attached for Access Control, Job Booking, and Job Costing. WinTA Enterprise is a multi-user, networked system and holds details on an employee’s hours, absences and shifts, and includes a photograph of each person, if required.