Shift payments for factories based on factors such as grade of employee

Southampton Central Brighton Wages Time and Attendance Southern calculate hours factory workplace companies web pages spreadsheets text files Shift Premiums grade of employeeCampaign group Action for Rail protested at the size of fare increases at Southampton Central and Brighton stations. Fares will go up across south-east England by more than the 4.2% UK average in January. Wages are pegged back way behind these rises, so unions have backed Action for Rail’s national campaign. Commuters are urged to send customised Christmas cards – which call for more investment, cheaper fares and a publicly-owned railway – to their local MPs.

Time and Attendance Southern offers various WinTA Time and Attendance packages that calculate hours and wages at the factory or workplace. WinTA Enterprise is the multi site Time and Attendance system intended for larger companies. This flagship product has a range of output styles let you export to web pages, spreadsheets or as simple text files. There are numerous extra features including Shift Premiums. Here complex payment schemes can be used, based on factors such as the time of working to the grade of employee.